Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP


Volume 53, 2024

53, 2024

Artigo Original
Assessment of the nursing staff's knowledge on periodontal disease and its associations with systemic changes Elisângela RODRIGUES; Guilherme José Pimentel Lopes de OLIVEIRA; Roberta de Oliveira ALVES; Isabella Silva de ABREU; Álex Moreira HERVAL; Flávio de Freitas MATTOS; Priscilla Barbosa Ferreira SOARES Periodontal diseases, disease, nursing staff, oral health, inpatients
Impact of COVID-19 on the production of Dental Specialty Centers in Brazil Júlia Serafim Nolasco de MORAES; Inara Pereira da CUNHA; Silvia Amélia Scudeler VEDOVELLO; Anne Caroline Alves RAMOS; Marcelo de Castro MENEGHIM Unified Health System, Brazil, COVID-19, secondary health care
Antierosive profile of an experimental solution based on antioxidants from Passiflora edulis on initial dentin erosion lesions Ronaldo Matheus Araújo MARVÃO; Tayanne Laíse da Rocha Prixan LOUZEIRO; Maria Carolina Sidonio ALVES; Kalinca Furtado de OLIVEIRA; Gabriel Tadashi Valente do Couto GOTO; Gabriela Carvalho Santos FERNANDES; Antonia Patricia Oliveira BARROS; Milton Carlos KUGA; Cristiane de Melo ALENCAR Dental erosion; dentin; antioxidant; polyphenols
Atenção odontológica durante a gestação e a saúde do recém-nascido: um estudo transversal Camila MARIOTTI; Camila Maura Morais Lima dos SANTOS; Jaqueline Vilela BULGARELI; Luiz Renato PARANHOS; Álex Moreira HERVAL Acesso à atenção primária, índice de apgar, saúde materna, serviços de saúde bucal
Influence of filling quality on the periapical status of endodontically treated teeth Michel Sena Fernandes Faria LIMA; Pedro Paulo Alves SÁ; Stéphanie Quadros TONELLI; Fábio Fernandes Borém BRUZINGA; Eduardo NUNES; Frank Ferreira SILVEIRA Endodontics; root canal obturation; periapical periodontitis; radiography
Effects of an oxygen-releasing mouthwash for peri-implant health management. A pilot randomized controlled clinical trial Caroline Paixão CUSTÓDIO; Rubens Moreno de FREITAS; Elcio MARCANTONIO JUNIOR; Rafael Scaf de MOLON; Valdir Gouveia GARCIA Implants, biofilm, periimplantitis, mucositis, mouthwash
Assessment of adverse events and patient safety culture in dental practice: cross-sectional study Fabrícia Paola Fernandes Ribeiro DOS SANTOS; Débora Dupas Gonçalves DO NASCIMENTO; Inara Pereira da CUNHA Near Miss; Patient safety; Primary Health Care; Dentistry
Tomographic assessment of bone volume changes following regeneration with titanium Mesh in the maxillary anterior region. A retrospective clinical study Carolina Pinheiro da ROCHA; Ana Daisy ZACHARIAS; Elcio MARCANTONIO JR; Flávia Noemy Gasparini KIATAKE FONTÃO; Rafael Scaf de MOLON; Rubens Moreno de FREITAS Bone regeneration; dental implants; biocompatible materials
Tomographic prevalence of juxta-apical radiolucency and adjacent structures: a cross-sectional study Natália Mariane RIGO; Gilson Cesar Nobre FRANCO; Caique Mariano PEDROSO; Thais ALBACH; Adrielli Guimarães FERREIRA; Marcela CLAUDINO; Marcelo Carlos BORTOLUZZI; Amanda Regina FISCHBORN Cone-beam computed tomography; third molar; mandibular nerve; periapical tissue; mandibular nerve injuries; tooth extraction
Analysis of coherence between Vertical Dimension of Occlusion (VDO) obtained clinically and through cephalometric analysis. A cross-sectional study Marcelo Noboru TANIZAKA; Elisa Mattias SARTORI; Farid Jamil Silva de ARRUDA; Eduardo Romagna MACHADO; Ana Cláudia Moreira Melo TOYOFUKU; Ivete Aparecida de Mattias SARTORI Vertical dimension of occlusion; dentures; dental occlusion; cephalometric analysis
Prevalence of retromolar foramen in dry mandibles in Maputo Abdul Habib Mahomed DADÁ; Mahomed Sidique Abdul Cadar DADÁ; Niucha VASCONCELOS; Zulaikhah Mahomed Sidique DADÁ; Andrea MASELLI Anatomic variation; dentistry; dentists; mandible
Comparative analysis of microgaps in angled and straight components: a laboratory study Yuri Lins LOBO; Giovanna Nascimento MENDES; Lucas Alves da Mota SANTANA; Lara Gois FLORESTA; Antônio Carlos MARQUETI; Wilton Mitsunari TAKESHITA; Cleverson Luciano TRENTO Dental implants; dental implant-abutment design; dentistry
Periodontal monitoring in orthodontic treatment with orthodontic aligners: proof of concept Yasmin Dallarmi MIGUEL; Paola Rebelatto ALCÂNTARA; Ana Cláudia Moreira Melo TOYOFUKU; Roberto Hideo SHIMIZU ClearCorrect aligners; periodontal health; BlueM mouthwash; BlueM foam; orthodontic treatment
Performance of conventional acrylic resin vs. 3D printed resin in surface roughness, hardness, and mechanical resistance Heloisa Émilly da Silva SANTOS; Milena Danubia Lima NASCIMENTO; Klennye Lorranny de Sousa PENAFORT; Antonio José TÔRRES NETO; Larissa Araújo Lopes BARRETO; Manassés Tercio Vieira GRANGEIRO; Rebeca Tibau Aguiar DIAS; Viviane Maria Gonçalves de FIGUEIREDO Dental prosthesis; 3D printing; polymers; flexural strength
Analysis of the obliteration of the root canal: an investigation with Micro-CT Maria Luiza Zamparoni VICTORINO; Marcelo Augusto SERON; Gabriela SANTIN; Eduardo Inocente JUSSIANI; Avacir Casanova ANDRELLO; Fausto Rodrigo VICTORINO Endodontics; cone beam spiral computerized tomography; pathology
Factors related to the delay in initiating treatment for oral cancer at a referral center in the Central-West region of Brazil Mary Anne de Souza Alves FRANÇA; Rejane Faria RIBEIRO-ROTTA; Nádia do Lago COSTA; Maria do Carmo Matias FREIRE Mouth neoplasms; time-to-treatment; health policy; quality of health care
Non-radioactive strontium as a supplement to enhance osseointegration Cassio Rocha SCARDUELI; Rubens SPIN-NETO; Guilherme José Lopes Pimentel OLIVEIRA; Andreas STAVROPOULOS; Rosemary Adriana Chierici MARCANTONIO; Elcio MARCANTONIO JR Strontium; systemic use; osseointegration; bone remodeling; implants
Ethnic influence of the lips and incisor in the diagnosis and orthodontic planning Ana Thais BAGATINI; Jaqueline Trento Negrão TEBALDI; Nicole Tonin IPLINSKY; Suellen Tayenne Pedrosa PINTO; Ary SANTOS-PINTO Lips; orthodontics; cephalometry
Sport dentistry: Brazilian athletes knowledge about dental trauma Carolina dos Santos SANTINONI; Camila Caires DIAS; Letícia Vitória de Santana COTA; Yara Loyanne de Almeida Silva LEVI; Rosana Leal do PRADO; Juliane Avansini MARSICANO; Graziela Garrido MORI Tooth avulsion; dental trauma; trauma in athletes
The role of non-surgical periodontal treatment in enhancing quality of life for hypertensive patients with periodontitis João Victor Soares RODRIGUES; Mariella Boaretti DEROIDE; Amanda Paino SANT'ANA; Rafael Scaf DE MOLON; Leticia Helena THEODORO Quality of life; periodontitis; hypertension; dental scaling
Efeito de uma membrana bioativa sobre a regeneração óssea guiada de defeitos críticos de calvária Flavio Fidêncio de LIMA; Matheus UZAI; Natalia Nunes de SOUZA; Suzana Peres PIMENTEL; Fabiano Ribeiro CIRANO; Raissa Micaella Marcello MACHADO; Andrea Rodrigues Esposito CABRERA; Marcio Zaffalon CASATI; Mônica Grazieli CORRÊA Regeneração óssea guiada; membrana bioativa; defeito calvária
Effect of platform switching on bone loss around implants: a retrospective study Lorena Gonçalves ALEXANDRINO; Leticia de Santana MASCARENHAS; Gabriela Moretto dos SANTOS; Flávia Noemy Gasparini Kiatake FONTÃO; Valdir Gouveia GARCIA; Luis Eduardo Marques PADOVAN; Guilherme José Pimentel Lopes de OLIVEIRA; Élcio MARCANTONIO JUNIOR Dental implants; marginal bone loss; platform switching
ASU effect on bone repair in defects grafted with bone substitute Lucas de Sousa Goulart PEREIRA; Luiz Guilherme Freitas de PAULA; Rubens SPIN-NETO; Andreas STAVROPOULOS; Rosemary Adriana Chiérici MARCANTONIO; Guilherme José Pimentel Lopes de OLIVEIRA ASU; biomaterial; bone healing; critical-sized calvarial defects; histomorphometry; micro CT
The impact of mentoring on the training of dentistry academics at the Federal University of Paraná Yasmine Mendes PUPO; Eduarda FAGHERAZZI; Luiza Iaizzo MAGALHÃES; Isadora ALVES; Thainá Larsen RODRIGUES; Alana Silveira ROCHA; Júlio César TAFFAREL Mentoring; learning; education
Prevalence of clinical signs and diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders in adults with intellectual disability Yasmine Mendes PUPO; Giselle Emilãine da Silva REIS; Jullyana Mayara Preizner DEZANETTI; Marina FANDERUFF; Thábata Louise SCHOSSLER; Ricardo Rasmussen PETTERLE; Amanda Kerin Alves CAVALHEIRO; Daniel BONOTTO; Cassius Carvalho TORRES-PEREIRA; Priscila Brenner HILGENBERG-SYDNEY Intellectual disability; orofacial pain; temporomandibular joint disorders
The influence of activated coconut charcoal-based abrasives on the surface of dental enamel Fernanda Alves FEITOSA; Laura Chaves SANTOS; Ana Amélia BARBIERI; Symone Cristina TEIXEIRA Dental enamel; charcoal; color perception; toothbrushing; tooth abrasion

Rev. odontol. UNESP

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