Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Volume 40, Issue 5, 2011
40(5), 2011
Original Article
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 203-207, 2011 Fluoridation from public water supplies in a city with different sources of capture
Moimaz, Suzely Adas Saliba; Saliba, Nemre Adas; Barbosa, Tatiana de Freitas; Garbin, Cléa Adas Saliba; Rovida, Tânia Adas Saliba; Saliba, Orlando Fluoridation, fluoride, oral health, water supply systems
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 208-214, 2011 Inhibitory effect of essential oils against organisms from root canal
Cavalcanti, Yuri Wanderley; Pérez, Ana Luíza Alves de Lima; Xavier, Gabriela Dantas Rocha; Almeida, Leopoldina de Fátima Dantas de Biological products, root canal irrigants, root canal treatmen
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 215-221, 2011 Analysis of facial proportion and its relation with dental form, rest and occlusal vertical dimension between institutionalized students
Magalhães, Jaqueline Barbosa; Zavanelli, Adriana Cristina; Zavanelli, Ricardo Alexandre Complete denture, face, denture planning
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 222-227, 2011 Interaction between Escherichia coli and Candida albicans in biofilms formed in vitro: analysis of cell viability by the colorimetric assay
Piva, Elisabete; Barbosa, Junia de Oliveira; Rossoni, Rodnei Dennis; Vilela, Simone Furgeri Godinho; Jorge, Antonio Olavo Cardoso; Junqueira, Juliana Campos Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, biofilm
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 228-235, 2011 Chemical characterization and flexural strength of an acrylic resin after the incorporation of a polymer with antimicrobial activity
Rodriguez, Larissa Santana; Paleari, André Gustavo; Oliveira Júnior, Norberto Martins de; Marra, Juliê; Pero, Ana Carolina; Compagnoni, Marco Antonio Denture, Acrylic resins, Antimicrobial agents
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 236-240, 2011 Comparison of root canal filling removal of different types of endodontic sealers
Almeida, Juliana Silva; Nabeshima, Cleber Keiti; Cavatoni, Mariana; Britto, Maria Leticia Borges Retreatment, endodontics, cement resin cements, zinc oxide-eugenol
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 241-247, 2011 Perda dentária e controle glicêmico de idosos diabéticos do tipo 2
Barroso Júnior, Jorge Brandão; Costa, Katia Linhares Lima; Taboza, Zuila Albuquerque; Dias, Clarisse Costa; Furlaneto, Flavia Aparecida Chaves; Lima, Vilma de; Rêgo, Rodrigo Otávio Doença periodontal, Diabetes tipo2, edentulismo
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 248-254, 2011 In vitro Evaluation of Titanium Surfaces treated with Er,Cr:YSGG laser
Coletti, Felipe Leite; Theodoro, Leticia Helena; Marcantonio, Rosemary Adriana Chiérice; Marcantonio Junior, Elcio; Garcia, Valdir Gouveia Lasers, dental implants, Scanning Electron Microscopy
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 264-267, 2011 Oral bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: a case report
Ribeiro, Renato da Costa; Vitorino, Nauber de Souza; Freitas, Paulo Henrique Luiz de; Souza, Rodrigo Calado Nunes e Osteonecrosis, jaws, osteoporosis
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 268-271, 2011 Marsupialization of mandibular dentigerous cyst in a 7 years old child in the mixed dentition: case report
Bastos, Eider Guimarães; Cruz, Maria Carmen Fôntora Nogueira da; Martins, Gregório Antonio Soares; Mendes, Mellyna Cavalcante; Marques, Rogério Vera Cruz Ferro Dentigerous cyst, impacted tooth, mixed dentition
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 272-277, 2011 Paraendodontic surgery: an option to resolution of root perforation - case report
Fagundes, Rafael Bainy; Prado, Maíra do; Gomes, Brenda Paula F. A.; Damé, José Antonio M.; Sousa, Ezilmara L. R. de Paraendodontic surgery, root perforation, simultaneous obturation
Review Article
Rev. odontol. UNESP, 255-263, 2011 Effect of bisphosphonate on periodontal disease – narrative review of literature
Goes, Paula; Lima, Vilma de Bisphosphonates, periodontitis, inflammation
Rev. odontol. UNESP