Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP


Volume 46, Número 5, 2017

46(5), 2017

Artigo Original
Ultramorphology of pre-treated adhesive interfaces between self-adhesive resin cement and tooth structures Carolina Nemesio de Barros PEREIRA, Bruno DALEPRANE, Giovani Lana Peixoto de MIRANDA, Cláudia Silami de MAGALHÃES, Allyson Nogueira MOREIRA Dentin; dental etching; resin cement; scanning electron microscopy
Radiographic analysis of 1000 cast posts in Sergipe state, Brazil Caroline Garcez MENDONÇA, José Rogério Vieira de ALMEIDA, Wilton Mitsunari TAKESHITA, Fábio MARTINS, Monica Silveira PAIXÃO Post-and-core technique; dental posts; dental prosthesis; radiography.
Efeito do desafio ácido nas propriedades superficiais das camadas externa e interna de dentes acrílicos reforçados Pedro César Garcia de OLIVEIRA, Mariana Pisinato FERREIRA, Alcides Oliveira de MELO, Andréa Lemos Falcão PROCÓPIO, Carolina Yoshi Campos SUGIO, Karin Hermana NEPPELENBROEK Tooth artificial; hardness; acetic acid; surface properties.
Spectrophotometric assessment of tooth bleaching under orthodontic braquets bonded with different materials Camila Maria Lima de CASTRO, Higor Catta Preta BORGES, Karoline Cardoso Ferro BARROS, Natanael Barbosa dos SANTOS, Larissa Silveira de Mendonça FRAGOSO Orthodontic brackets; tooth whitening; dental bonding.
Effect of caries-affected dentin on one-step universal and multi-step etch-and-rinse adhesives’ bond strength Clecila MÜLLER, Gabriela Cauduro da ROSA, Gabriela Simões TEIXEIRA, Ivo KREJCI, Tissiana BORTOLOTTO, Alexandre Henrique SUSIN Caries-affected dentin; dentinal substrate; multimode adhesive system.
Quality of life of postgraduate students stricto sensu in dentistry and sociodemographic factors Cinthia Nara Gadelha TEIXEIRA, Maria Imaculada de Queiroz RODRIGUES, Paulo Goberlanio de Barros SILVA, Myrna Maria Arcanjo FROTA, Maria Eneide Leitão de ALMEIDA Quality of life; students, dental; education.
Educational program in oral health for caregivers on the oral hygiene of dependent elders Jéssica Damares LAGO, Laiza Maria Grassi FAIS, Andréia Affonso Barretto MONTANDON, Lígia Antunes Pereira PINELLI Caregivers; dental care for aged; education; homes for the aged; old age assistance.
Análise do perfil facial esquelético e de tecidos moles pré e pós-cirurgia ortognática em pacientes Classe II e III, e sua relação com a proporção áurea Leticia Ângelo WALEWSKI, Elen de Souza TOLENTINO, Wilton Mitsunari TAKESHITA, Mariliani Chicarelli da SILVA Estética; face; cirurgia ortognática; má oclusão de Angle Classe II; má oclusão de Angle Classe III.
Assessment of patient’s anxiety and expectation associated with hemodynamic changes during surgical procedure under local anesthesia Marcos Vinícius Mendes DANTAS, Bianca NESSO, Daniel Sagawa MITUUTI, Marisa Aparecida Cabrini GABRIELLI Anxiety; fear; vital signs; blood pressure; local anesthetic.
Color stability of esthetic coatings applied to nickel-titanium archwires Marcus Vinicius Neiva Nunes do REGO, Geórgia Wain Thi LAU, Yago Carneiro ARAÚJO, Rayssa Melo e SILVA Orthodontic wires; dental esthetics; fluorescence.

Rev. odontol. UNESP

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