Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Efeito do ataque ácido do esmalte externo e das paredes internas da cavidade na infiltração marginal de restaurações com resinas compostas

Study on the marginal leakages on composite restorations. Effects of acid etch on the external enamel and inner walls of the cavity

Gabrielli, F.; Fiorello, S.B.; Fontana, U.F.; Dinelli, W.; Sá, D.N.

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Estudou-se a infiltração marginal das restaurações com resinas compostas. Foram utilizados dentes recentemente extraídos nos quais prepararam-se cavidades de Classe V. Estas cavidades foram padronizadas em suas dimensões através de microscópio modificado. O elemento traçador foi a Rodamina B. Analisou-se o efeito do ataque ácido, agente de união, elemento glazeador, ciclagem térmica e possível interação entre estes fatores.


Ataque ácido, infiltração marginal, resinas compostas


The authors studied the marginal leakage on composite restorations. Newly extrated teeth were used, receiving class V preparations. Those cavities had their dimensions standartized though a modified microscope. The trading was made by means of "B" rodamine. The effects of bonding agent, glazing and thermal cycling were studied. It was also studied the possible interaction between those factors. They concluded that marginal leakage is highly reduced when acid etch, bonding agent and glazer are used. Also the acid etch. only will not reduce the leakage. Besides that thermal cycling was an influential factor in rising the leakage and so was cavity size.


Ataque ácido, infiltração marginal, resinas compostas


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