Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP


Volume 47, Número 2, 2018

47(2), 2018
Histological analysis of the use of biphasic ceramics based on hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate in maxillary sinus floor elevation surgery: pilot study Luis Eduardo Marques PADOVAN; Diego GARCIA E SOUSA; Silvia Helena Marques PADOVAN; Guilherme José Pimentel LOPES DE OLIVEIRA; Ricarda Duarte da SILVA; Marcela CLAUDINO Maxillary sinus, bone transplantation, dental implants
Evaluation of the bone anatomy of the anterior region of the mandible using cone beam computed tomography Bruna Jussara Constantino LOCKS; Marcela CLAUDINO; Luciana Reis AZEVEDO-ALANIS; Alessandra Soares DITZEL; Flávia Noemy Gasparini Kiatake FONTÃO Cone-beam computed tomography, anatomy, mouth floor, mandible
Effect of storage temperature on Streptococcus mutans viability Ana Lídia Soares COTA; Ronaldo Gomes ALVIM Streptococcus mutans , dental cavity, microbial viability
Análise lexical do Código de Ética Odontológica Cléa Adas Saliba GARBIN; Marcelo Augusto AMARAL; Artênio José Ísper GARBIN; Tânia Adas SALIBA Análise qualitativa, códigos de ética, ética odontológica
Prevalence evaluation and classification of bifid mandibular canals in CBCT exams in different facial types George Borja de FREITAS; Alessandra de FREITAS e SILVA; Luiz Roberto Coutinho MANHÃES JÚNIOR; José Luiz Cintra JUNQUEIRA Surgery, anatomy, mandible
Perception of dentists, dental students, and patients on dentogingival aesthetics Migueli DURIGON; Bruno Pinto ALESSI; Matheus NEVES; Micheline Sandini TRENTIN Aesthetics, smile, gingiva
Avaliação da dissociação iônica do hidróxido de cálcio associado ao Aloe vera como veículo Maria Carolina de Sousa MELO; Larissa Cordeiro CAVALCANTE; Lucas Vaz de OLIVEIRA; Carmen Milena Rodrigues Siqueira CARVALHO Aloe vera, endodontia, hidróxido de cálcio
Influence of a new method of sterilization on the morphology and physical properties of extracted human teeth Daylana Pacheco da SILVA; Urias Silva VASCONCELOS; Valdimar da Silva VALENTE; Gregório Antônio Soares MARTINS; Carmem Dolores Vilarinho Soares de MOURA Dental enamel, hardness, sterilization, dentin
Survival analysis of ART restorations in primary molars of preschool children: 1 year follow-up Marcia Falleiros Evangelista da ROCHA; Mitsue FUJIMAKI; Renata Corrêa PASCOTTO; Lucila Lemuch Castilho MENDES; Carla Martins LACERDA; Omar Cléo PEREIRA; Renata Iani WERNECK; Raquel Sano Suga TERADA Dental atraumatic restorative treatment, glass ionomer cements, clinical trial
Effect of glutamine ingestion on the progression of induced periodontitis: experimental study in rats Aurélio Rosa da SILVA JUNIOR; Alex SEMENOFF SEGUNDO; Tereza Aparecida Delle Vedove SEMENOFF; Natalino Francisco da SILVA; Cervantes CAPOROSSI Dietary supplements, periodontal diseases, products with antimicrobial action

Rev. odontol. UNESP

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