Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP


Volume 47, Número 1, 2018

47(1), 2018

Artigo Original
Fluoride release and surface roughness of a new glass ionomer cement: glass carbomer Célia Maria Condeixa de França LOPES; Jessica GALVAN; Ana Claudia Rodrigues CHIBINSKI; Denise Stadler WAMBIER Glass ionomer cements, dental materials, fluoride
Dentoskeletal and aesthetic effects of mandibular protraction appliance (MPA) using Ricketts analysis Marcelo CHACON; José Fernando Castanha HENRIQUES; Mario VEDOVELLO FILHO; Carolina Carmo de MENEZES; Silvia Amélia Scudeler VEDOVELLO; Giovana Cherubini VENEZIAN; Adriana Simoni LUCATO Angle class II malocclusion, functional orthopedic appliance, mandibular advancement
Prevalence of dental trauma in disabled persons seen at the dental clinic for special-needs patients of the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB) Kamilla FRANÇA; Alexandre Franco MIRANDA; Júlio César Franco ALMEIDA; Priscila Paganini COSTA; Fernanda Cristina Pimentel GARCIA Tooth injuries, disabled persons, dental care
Oral health indicators in the Interfederative Pacts of the Unified Health System: development in the 1998-2016 period Mary Anne de Souza Alves FRANÇA; Maria do Carmo Matias FREIRE; Edsaura Maria PEREIRA; Vânia Cristina MARCELO Indicators of health services, oral health, health management
External root resorption of second molars caused by impacted third molars: an observational study in panoramic radiographs Jhonatan Thiago LACERDA-SANTOS; Gélica Lima GRANJA; Jalber Almeida dos SANTOS; Julliana Cariry PALHANO-DIAS; José Cadmo Wanderley Peregrino de ARAÚJO-FILHO; Eduardo DIAS-RIBEIRO Impacted tooth, third molar, panoramic radiography, reabsorption
Structural factors for public dental health services in Regional Health Care Network 13: an analysis of the Brazilian National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care Lucila Brandão HIROOKA; Guilherme Vinícius CATANANTE; Hélio Souza PORTO; Maria do Carmo Gullaci Guimarães CACCIA-BAVA Primary health care, health evaluation, oral health, dental health services
Desenvolvimento de lesões de cárie em dentina em um modelo de biofilme simplificado in vitro: um estudo piloto Thais Piccolo CARVALHO; Tamires Timm MASKE; Cácia SIGNORI; Katielle Valente BRAUNER; Elenara Ferreira de OLIVEIRA; Maximiliano Sérgio CENCI Placa dentária, cárie dentária, desmineralização, dentina
Aesthetic perception of gingival smiles Sabrina Maciel CAVALCANTI; Flavia Bridi VALENTIM; Selva Maria Gonçalves GUERRA; Elizabeth Pimentel ROSETTI Gingiva, perception, esthetics, photography, smiling
Evaluation of the maladaptation of the test base in acrylic resin regarding the technique of preparation, place of measurement and storage time Natália Pereira de OLIVEIRA; Renata Pilli JÓIAS; Rodnei Dennis ROSSONI; Renato Morales JÓIASResumo: Acrylic resins, denture, complete, denture retention, dental materials
In vitro effect of energy drinks on human enamel surface Marise Sano Suga MATUMOTO; Raquel Sano Suga TERADA; Dayla Thyeme HIGASHI; Mitsue FUJIMAKI; Selma Sano SUGA; Antônio Carlos GUEDES-PINTO Tooth erosion, energy drinks, dental enamel, tooth demineralization

Rev. odontol. UNESP

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