Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Volume 47, Número 1, 2018
47(1), 2018
Artigo Original Rev. odontol. UNESP, 1-6, 2018 Fluoride release and surface roughness of a new glass ionomer cement: glass carbomer
Célia Maria Condeixa de França LOPES; Jessica GALVAN; Ana Claudia Rodrigues CHIBINSKI; Denise Stadler WAMBIER Glass ionomer cements, dental materials, fluoride Rev. odontol. UNESP, 7-11, 2018 Dentoskeletal and aesthetic effects of mandibular protraction appliance (MPA) using Ricketts analysis
Marcelo CHACON; José Fernando Castanha HENRIQUES; Mario VEDOVELLO FILHO; Carolina Carmo de MENEZES; Silvia Amélia Scudeler VEDOVELLO; Giovana Cherubini VENEZIAN; Adriana Simoni LUCATO Angle class II malocclusion, functional orthopedic appliance, mandibular advancement Rev. odontol. UNESP, 12-17, 2018 Prevalence of dental trauma in disabled persons seen at the dental clinic for special-needs patients of the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB)
Kamilla FRANÇA; Alexandre Franco MIRANDA; Júlio César Franco ALMEIDA; Priscila Paganini COSTA; Fernanda Cristina Pimentel GARCIA Tooth injuries, disabled persons, dental care Rev. odontol. UNESP, 18-24, 2018 Oral health indicators in the Interfederative Pacts of the Unified Health System: development in the 1998-2016 period
Mary Anne de Souza Alves FRANÇA; Maria do Carmo Matias FREIRE; Edsaura Maria PEREIRA; Vânia Cristina MARCELO Indicators of health services, oral health, health management Rev. odontol. UNESP, 25-30, 2018 External root resorption of second molars caused by impacted third molars: an observational study in panoramic radiographs
Jhonatan Thiago LACERDA-SANTOS; Gélica Lima GRANJA; Jalber Almeida dos SANTOS; Julliana Cariry PALHANO-DIAS; José Cadmo Wanderley Peregrino de ARAÚJO-FILHO; Eduardo DIAS-RIBEIRO Impacted tooth, third molar, panoramic radiography, reabsorption Rev. odontol. UNESP, 31-39, 2018 Structural factors for public dental health services in Regional Health Care Network 13: an analysis of the Brazilian National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care
Lucila Brandão HIROOKA; Guilherme Vinícius CATANANTE; Hélio Souza PORTO; Maria do Carmo Gullaci Guimarães CACCIA-BAVA Primary health care, health evaluation, oral health, dental health services Rev. odontol. UNESP, 40-44, 2018 Desenvolvimento de lesões de cárie em dentina em um modelo de biofilme simplificado in vitro: um estudo piloto
Thais Piccolo CARVALHO; Tamires Timm MASKE; Cácia SIGNORI; Katielle Valente BRAUNER; Elenara Ferreira de OLIVEIRA; Maximiliano Sérgio CENCI Placa dentária, cárie dentária, desmineralização, dentina Rev. odontol. UNESP, 45-50, 2018 Aesthetic perception of gingival smiles
Sabrina Maciel CAVALCANTI; Flavia Bridi VALENTIM; Selva Maria Gonçalves GUERRA; Elizabeth Pimentel ROSETTI Gingiva, perception, esthetics, photography, smiling Rev. odontol. UNESP, 51-56, 2018 Evaluation of the maladaptation of the test base in acrylic resin regarding the technique of preparation, place of measurement and storage time
Natália Pereira de OLIVEIRA; Renata Pilli JÓIAS; Rodnei Dennis ROSSONI; Renato Morales JÓIASResumo: Acrylic resins, denture, complete, denture retention, dental materials Rev. odontol. UNESP, 57-62, 2018 In vitro effect of energy drinks on human enamel surface
Marise Sano Suga MATUMOTO; Raquel Sano Suga TERADA; Dayla Thyeme HIGASHI; Mitsue FUJIMAKI; Selma Sano SUGA; Antônio Carlos GUEDES-PINTO Tooth erosion, energy drinks, dental enamel, tooth demineralization
Rev. odontol. UNESP