Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Congress Abstract

Irradiated patients and success rate of dental implants: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Nobrega, A.S.; Santiago-Junior, J. F.; Almeida, D.A.F.; Santos, D. M.; Pellizzer, E.P.; Goiato, M.C.

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The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review to evaluate the success rate of implants placed in irradiated bone tissue when compared to implants placed in non-irradiated area. A search in the databases EMBASE, Cochrane and PubMed / Medline up to December 2013 was performed in order to identify clinical trials addressing the theme. A systematic review was conducted following the principles set by PRISMA. The relative risk (RR) for implant failure and sur vival cur ves were calculated considering a confidence inter val of 95%. The analysis of heterogeneity was assessed using the funnel plot. A total of 40 studies involving 1,926 patients and 9,039 dental implants, was selected. The sur vival cur ves indicated a sur vival rate of implants installed in irradiated bone tissue of 84.3%. The meta-analysis indicated a statistically significant difference (p <0.0001) in the item success rate of implants placed in irradiated area when compared to implants placed in non-irradiated area. We conclude that dental implants placed in irradiated area of the oral cavity have a lower sur vival rate than those installed in non-irradiated area and possible complications are high-risk threat throughout the life of these patients. Therefore, close monitoring is necessar y in order to avoid complications, reducing the chances of failure.


Dental Implants, Radiotherapy , Review , Meta-Analysis.
588019d37f8c9d0a098b5364 rou Articles
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