Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Comparison of gutta-percha and sealer removal in the different thirds of the root canal after using ProTaper retreatment

Comparação do remanescente de material obturador nos diferentes terços do canal radicular após uso dos desobturadores ProTaper

Uezu, Mary Kinue Nakamune; Nabeshima, Cleber Keiti; Britto, Maria Leticia Borges

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The aim of this study was to analyze the amount of gutta-percha removal using on different thirds in teeth shaped using Gates Glidden and Protaper, and retreated with Protaper Retreatment. Fifty lower premolars of single canal were accessed, shaped using Gates Glidden (1, 2, 3) and ProTaper (S1, S2, F1, F2, F3), and filled by lateral and vertical condensation and N-Rickert sealer, then stored at 37 °C in a humid environment for 7 days, when gutta‑percha removal was performed by ProTaper Retreatment system. The amount of filling material remaining on root canal walls was assessed radiographically from two directions: mesio-distal and bucco-lingual, and the images were digitized and analysed with ImageJ software. Total canal area and area of remaining filling material were calculated and divided on thirds, and then they were submitted to statistical evaluation by ANOVA and Tukey test. The coronal third showed more amount of remaining filling material than medium and apical third (p = 0.0002), and no total gutta-percha removal was perfomed on coronal third too. It concluded that on teeth shaped using Gattes Glidden and Protaper, the Protaper Retreatment system show satisfactory results just on medium and apical third.


Retreatment, gutta-percha, endodontics


A proposta deste estudo foi analisar a quantidade de remanescente de material obturador em diferentes terços em dentes preparados com Gates Glidden e ProTaper, e desobturados com desobturadores ProTaper. Quinze pré‑molares inferiores com conduto único foram acessados, preparados com Gates Glidden (1, 2 e 3) e protaper (S1, S2, F1, F2, F3), obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral e vertical associadas ao cimento N-Rickert e incubados a 37 °C com 100% de umidade por sete dias. Assim, as amostras foram desobturadas com uso dos Desobturadores Protaper. A quantidade de remanescente de material obturador foi verificada radiograficamente em duas direções: mésiodistal e vestíbulolingual, e as imagens digitalizadas e analisadas com ImageJ software. As áreas totais do canal e o remanescente de material obturador foram calculados e divididos em terços, sendo submetidos ao teste de ANOVA e Tukey. O terço cervical apresentou maior quantidade de material remanescente quando comparado aos terços médio e apical (p = 0,0002), e nenhuma amostra apresentou remoção total no terço cervical. Pode‑se concluir que em dentes instrumentados com sistema rotatório Protaper e Gates Glidden, os desobturadores ProTaper produzem resultados satisfatórios somente nos terços médio e apical.


Retratamento, guta-percha, endodontia


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