Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
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Dores dental e facial em trabalhadores do sul do Brasil, 2003

Dental and facial pain among workers, southern Brazil, 2003

Nardi, A.; Michel Crosato, E.; Biazevic, M.G.H.

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Objetivo - este estudo verificou a dor dental e a facial relatada por trabalhadores de um frigorífico do sul do Brasil em 2003. Método - trata-se de um estudo transversal, observacional e analítico, com amostra aleatória de 401 trabalhadores com idade superior a 18 anos. O instrumento aplicado foi o questionário desenvolvido por Locker e Grushka (1987). Os dados foram analisados no software STATA 8.0, sob o teste Qui-quadrado. O nível de significância utilizado foi 5%. Resultado - apenas 108 trabalhadores (26,9%) não sentiram dor dental e facial nos últimos 6 meses. A presença de dores dental e facial correspondeu a 73,1%. Com relação à gravidade, observou-se maior proporção de dores leves e moderadas. Observou-se também dor em diversas localizações anatômicas e as mais citadas foram: nos dentes (86,3%); ao redor ou atrás dos olhos (28,2%) e na ATM (20,2%). Proporção considerável de participantes relatou também dor durante a mastigação (20,7%). Conclusão - embora a presença de dor dental e de facial tenha sido alta, sua severidade foi baixa. Alguns tipos de dor foram mais presentes entre os participantes mais jovens, do gênero masculino, e entre os trabalhadores com menor grau de escolaridade.


Dor orofacial, epidemiologia, saúde bucal


Objective - the purpose of the study was to verify dental and facial pain among poultry company workers, Southern Brazil, 2003. Methods - an observational, analytic study was carried out. A simple random sample was composed of 401 (33.78%) workers who were aged 18 years and more. The instrument used was the questionnaire developed by Locker and Grushka (1987). Data were analyzed with STATA 8.0 statistical package, through Chi-Square Test at a 5% level of significance. Results- the dental and facial pain presence was 73.1%. 197 workers (49.1%) presented non-spontaneous tooth pain, 149 (37.2%) presented spontaneous tooth pain, 83 (20.7%) presented pain during mastication, 81 (20.2%) presented temporomandibular pain and 60 (15.0%) participants presented tongue or other sites of the mouth burn, in the 6 months before the survey. At all types of studied dental and facial pains, the severity was slight and its frequency was low. Conclusion - dental and facial pain presence was high among the surveyed population. The most prevalent types of pain were spontaneous tooth pain and non-spontaneous tooth pain. Although dental and facial pain presence was high, its severity and frequency were low in all types of the studied pains. Some types of pain were more present among younger, male workers and among participants that had less years of study.


Orofacial pain, epidemiology, oral health


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