Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Comparison of oral hygiene habits among university students from Argentina, Spain and Italy

Bono, A.; Brunotto, M.; Almerich, J.; Molina, G.

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The aim of this work is to compare oral hygiene habits among university students from Argentina, Italy and Spain. A random sample was selected of students (n = 150) of both sexes aged 18-29 years studying dentistry, architecture, economics, engineering and philosophy. A transversal study was performed with a structured multiple choice survey. Odontograms were recorded as well as plaque and gingivitis indices. These indices were found to be highest in Argentina and Spain. Active caries prevalence was highest in Argentina and Spain, while obturations were observed in a larger number of Italian students. Correlation analysis showed that decayed teeth and obturations were more common among economic science students from Spain, and cavities were correlated with Italian dental and architectural students. Choice of university degree was not associated with general preventive oral health habits, or with plaque and gingival indices.


Hygiene practices, dental care, oral preventive practices


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