Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
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Grau de Satisfação de Pacientes Portadores de Prótese Parcial Fixa

Patient's Satisfaction with Fixed Partial Denture

Pinelli, L.A.P.; Fais, L.M.G.; Marra, J.; Tavares Silva, R.H.B.; Guaglianoni, D.G.

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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o grau de satisfação de pacientes portadores de próteses parciais fixas (PPFs) e os fatores mais influentes nessa avaliação. Elaborou-se um questionário abrangendo desde o histórico das próteses até fatores relacionados com a adaptação do paciente, o qual foi aplicado a pacientes com próteses fixas atendidos na Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP. As questões foram escoreadas, tabuladas em Excel 2000 e submetidas ao teste de Qui-quadrado. Foram entrevistados 69 pacientes, 51 do sexo feminino e 18 do masculino, totalizando 118 PPFs com média de 4 elementos. A maioria das próteses tinha até 5 anos de uso (74,58%), havendo predominância de metalocerâmicas (71,19%); 89 próteses (75,42%) nunca haviam sido substituídas, e 65,52% das substituições tiveram motivos funcionais como razão. Cinco pacientes (7,25%) foram classificados como insatisfeitos, 14 (20,29%) parcialmente satisfeitos e 50 (72,46%) satisfeitos com suas próteses. Dentre os fatores analisados, apenas o tipo de material da prótese influenciou a satisfação (p = 0,022602). Fatores estéticos (36,81%) e mecânicos (29,12%) foram os mais citados como insatisfatórios. Concluiu-se que os pacientes estavam satisfeitos com o tratamento, sendo as metalocerâmicas consideradas as mais satisfatórias e que fatores estéticos e mecânicos foram os principais fatores que contribuíram para a não satisfação plena.


Satisfação do paciente, prótese parcial fixa, reabilitação bucal


The aim of this paper was to evaluate the degree of patient’s satisfaction wearers fixed partial denture (FPDs) and the most influential factors in this evaluation. A questionnaire was elaborated including from the prostheses description to factors related with the patient’s adaptation, so it was applied to patients with fixed prosthodontics who was attended at Araraquara School of Dentistry – UNESP. The questions were scored, computed from tables at Excel 2000 and then analyzed with chi-square test. 69 patients answered the survey; 51 were women and 18 were men totaling 118 FPDs, an average 4 units. Most of the prostheses had up to 5 year old and the predominant material was metal-ceramic; 89 prostheses had never been substituted and 65.52% of the ones that were substituted the functional factors was the reason. Five patients (7.25%) were classified as dissatisfied, 14 (20.29%) partially satisfied and 50 (72.46%) satisfied with their prostheses. Among the factors analyzed only the material type influenced the patients’ satisfaction (p = 0.022602); aesthetic factors (36.81%) and mechanical factors (29.12%) were more mentioned as unsatisfactory Among the factors analyzed only the material type influenced the satisfaction); aesthetic factors and mechanical factors were the more mentioned as unsatisfactory. It was conclude that most of patients were satisfied with their prostheses and that metal-ceramic were the most satisfactory; aesthetic and mechanical factors are the main factors that didn’t contribute to the patient’s full satisfaction.


Patient satisfaction, denture parcial fixed, mouth rehabilitation


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