Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Avaliação da Conduta de Cirurgiões-Dentistas no Retorno Periódico de Usuários de Prótese Parcial Removível

Survey the policy adopted by dentists concerning the periodic recalls of patients wearing removable partial

Pavarina, A.C.; Garcia, P.P.N.S.; Bonan, R.F.; Giampaolo, E.T.; Vergani, C.E.; Machado, A.L.

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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a conduta de cem cirurgiões-dentistas quanto ao controle do retorno periódico de pacientes, tratados com prótese parcial removível (PPR). Foi utilizado um questionário para preenchimento manual e um software EPI Info 6.04 para análise dos dados. De acordo com as respostas, 25% dos profissionais recomendaram o retorno após 2 dias e 39% após 7 dias. Dos procedimentos realizados nessas consultas, 49% foram de avaliação da higienização, de dentes e prótese, áreas de compressão e oclusão. Dos dentistas participantes, 65% prescreveram retorno semestral. Dos profissionais estudados, 71% recomendara o controle posterior para verificar a higienização dos dentes e adaptação da prótese ao rebordo. Os procedimentos mais realizados nesses retornos foram raspagem, instrução de higiene oral e restauração.


Saúde, prótese parcial removível, retorno periódico, instrução de higiene.


The aim of this survey was to analyze the policy adopted by dentists concerning the periodic recalls of patients wearing removable partial dentures (PRD). A sample of 100 dentists was surveyed by means of a questionnaire and data were entered into a computer database (Epi Info 6.04). After placement of PRD, the recalls for adjustment were 2-day (25%) and 7-day (39%); the most reported procedures were the evaluation of teeth and denture hygiene, compression areas and occlusion (49%). Six-month recall period was advised by 65% of the professionals. 54% reported that their patients returned to the dental office only when they consider it necessary. Among the surveyed clinicians, 71% advised further control to check oral care and adaptation of the prosthesis to the residual ridge. The procedures most commonly performed on patients’ recall were scaling (77%), restoration (63%) and hygiene instruction (61%). In conclusion, the findings of the conducted survey disclosed that most of professionals prescribe regular recallmainly after six months, to evaluate teeth and prosthesis hygiene, compression areas and occlusion. The most common procedures performed on the recall appointments are scaling, oral hygiene instruction and restoration.


Gingival health, denture partial removable, periodical recall, hygiene instruction


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