Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Efeito do Tratamento Superficial e Sistema Adesivo Na Resistência da União de Reparos de Cerâmica

Effect of surface treatment and adhesive system on the resistance of the union in repairs of odontological ceramic with composite resin

Assunção, W.G.; Araújo, M.A.J.; Salgado, E.G.C.; Padilha, R.Q.; Balducci, I.

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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a resistência ao cisalhamento da união resina composta/cerâmica ante dois diferentes tratamentos superficiais e dois sistemas adesivos. Foram confeccionados quarenta corpos-de-prova cerâmicas divididos em dois grupos de tratamento: Grupo I - abrasão com ponta diamantada, Grupo II - jateamento com óxido de alumínio, seguidos do condicionamento com ácido fluorídrico a 10%. Esses dois grupos foram divididos em dois subgrupos para tratamento com diferentes sistemas adesivos: A-Optibond-Kerr e B-Scotchbond Multi-Uso Plus-3M e posterior aplicação da resina composta (Z-100). As amostras foram estocadas em água destilada por 24 horas a uma temperatura de 37ºC, em seguida submetidas a ciclagem térmica e rearmazenadas no mesmo ambiente por mais 24 horas.


Restauração dentária, reparos, materiais dentários, adesivos, cerâmica, resinas compostas


The object of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of the composite resin/ceramic in relation to two different treatments of the ceramic surface and to two adhesive systems. Forty ceramic samples were made and separated into two goups according to the treatment given to the ceramic surface: I - abrasion with a chamond point and 17 - air abrasion with 50 un aluminiun oxide, followed by acid etching with hidrofluonc acid gel at 10%. These two groups were subdivided into two more groups for the treatment with two different adhesive systems: A- Optrbond-Kerr and B- Scotch-bond Multi-Purpose Plus-3M, followed by application of composite resin (Z-100). The samples were stored in destilled water for 24 hours at a constant temperature of 37ºC and submitted to thermal cycling and stored again in the same environment for 24 hours. After wards they were tested at a constant speed of 0.25 mm/min untd fracture occurred. They were examined by naked eye and with scaning electron microscopy in order to analyze fracture sites. The mean shear bond streng-ths for ceramic/composite bonds (MPa) ranged from: Group M = 37.89; Group IB = 40.14; Group IIA = 41.80; Group LTB = 39.86. The data was analyzed utilizing a two-way ANOVA. The avareges among groups were not statistically significant (p > 0.05). This study indicates that the different treatments of the ceramic surfaces, as well as the different adhesive systems used, do not interfer on the shear bond strength of the ceramic repairs me cohesive failures have intensively overcome the adhesive faillures, and have mainly occurred on ceramic.


Dental restoration, repair, dental materials, adhesives, ceramics, composite resins.
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