Comparação de cinco selantes oclusais quanto à retenção e eficácia na prevenção de cáries
Comparison of five occlusal sealants about the retention and efficacy on the prevention of caries
Zuanon, A.C.C.; Vertuan, V.; Andrade, M.F.; Porto Neto, S.T.
Rev. odontol. UNESP, vol.24, n1, p.79-86, 1995
Em 29 crianças de 7 à 11 anos, foram selados 149 dentes (molares e pré-molares) com isolamento relativo, empregando-se um selante autopolimerizável (Delton) e quatro selantes fotopolimerizáveis (Estiseal, Prisma, Concise e Degufill). Um dente homólogo higido era deixado como controle em cada criança. Após 6 meses, foram encontrados 87,2% de retenção total entre todos os selantes, com percentuais maiores para os fotopolimerizáveis. Durante esse período, 98,5% dos dentes selados estavam rugidos, enquanto apenas 51,6% dos dentes controle não apresentavam cáries.
Selantes de fossas e fissuras, cárie dentária, prevenção
The study was canied out with 29 children from 7 to 11 years of age and 149 teeth (pennanent molars and premolars) were sealed. The teeth were isolated using cotton rolls and kept dry. One of the sealants was self-polymerizing (Delton) and four were light-polymerizing sealants (Estiseal, Prisma, Concise and Degufill). One sound homologous tooth was left as a control in each child. After 6 months, there proved to be 87,2% of full retention among all the sealants studied with higher percentages for those which were light-polymerizing. During this peliad, 98,5% of the sealed teeth were proved sound while only 51,6% of the control teeth did not develops caries.
Pit and fissure sealant, dentaI caries, prevention