Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Infiltração marginal apical após a obturação de canal com três tipos diferentes de guta-percha do sistema ultrafil

Apical leakage after root canal filling with three different kinds of gutta-percha of the Ultrafil system

Holland, R.; Murata, S.S.; Saito, C.T.M.H.; Dezan Jr., E.

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Este trabalho compara a eficiência de selamento marginal apical após o emprego das guta-perchas Regular Set, Firm Set e Endo Set. Dentes humanos extraídos foram preparados biomecanicamente e seus canais obturados, com cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol, pelo sistema Ultrafil ou pela técnica da condensação lateral. Os espécimes foram mergulhados em solução de azul de metileno e as infiltrações marginais avaliadas linearmente. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o melhor vedamento é alcançado quando do emprego das guta-perchas Regular Set e Firm Set. A técnica da condensação lateral situou-se em posição intermediária, enquanto a guta-percha Endo Set determinou os piores resultados.


Obturação do canal radicular, irúiltração marginal, Ultrafil


Apical leakage evaluation after root canal filling by the Ultrafil system was the subject of various studies. However, a comparative analysis between the different gutta-perchas of that system was not related. So, the subject of this paper was to observe the apical leakage after root canal filling with the gutta-perchas Regular Set, Finn Set and Endo Set. Single rooted human teeth were biomechanical lyprepared and the root canals were filled with zinc oxide eugenol cementby the Ultrafil system or by the lateral condensation technique. The teeth were placed into a 2% methylene blue dye solution into a flask attached to a vacuum pump and the leakage subsequently evaluated linearly. The best results were obtained with Regular Set and Finn Set gutta-perchas. The lateral condensation technique was in an intermediary position, while the worse results were observed with the Endo Set gutta-percha.


Root canal filling materials, apical leakage, Ultrafil
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