Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Estudo histológico da glândula submandibular de camundongos adultos infectados com as cepas bolívia e Y de trypanosoma cruzi

Histologic study of adult mouse submandibular glands infected with Bolivia and Y Trypanosoma cruzi strains

Utrilla, L.S.; Reis, C.C.A.; Ribeiro, R.D.; Martini, A.S.; Lopes, R.A.

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Camundongos adultos foram infectados experimentalmente com as cepas Bolivia e Y do Trypanosoma cruzi. Foram estudadas as alterações histomorfológicas determinadas pelos parasitas nas glândulas submandibulares. As alterações estruturais observadas em animais inoculados com cepa Bolivia foram sempre mais severas do que as causadas pela cepa Y. As células acinares apresentaram- se atróficas com redução da eosinofilia citoplasmática e conseqüente deslocamento do núcleo para o pólo basal. Os duetos encontravam-se com paredes finas e lume dilatados e septos amplos. Foram observadas formas amastigotas do T. cruzi no citoplasma de células acinares. No estroma observamos presença de moderado infiltrado linfoplasmocitário.


Glândula submandibular, Trypanosoma cruzi, cepa, Bolívia


Adult mice inoculated with T. cruzi strains (Bolivia and Y) were analysed at the acute phase of the experimental chagasic infection, through the histomorphological alterations of the submandibular glands. The structural alterations observed in animals ínoculated with the Bolivia strain were always more severe than those caused by the Y strain. The acinar cells were atrophic and the cytoplasm presented faintly eosinophilic and consequent dislocation of the nucleus towards the basal cytoplasm. The ducts were dilated and lined with low cilindrical epithelium. Their lumen were reduced. The septa were widened. T. cruzi (amastigotes) was found in the submandibular glands acini cells. Presence of a moderade lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate.


Submandibular gland, Trypanosoma cruzi, Bolivia straín, Ystraín


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