Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Radiação X em glândula parótida de rato jovem. Avaliação histopatológica comparativa

X radiation in parotid gland of young rats. Avaliation histopathologic comparative

Roslindo, E.B.; Utrilla, L.S.; Lia, R.C.C.; Roslindo, N.C.; Azoubel, R.; Cerri, P.S.

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Este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar por meio de técnicas morfológicas as alterações estruturais da glândula parótida de rato jovem, causadas pela radiação X, com dose de 300 rads repetidas a cada 48 horas até um total de 1.200 rads, através de aparelho de radioterapia convencional (Eldorado Co 60). Foram utilizados 70 ratos machos (Rattus norvegicus, albinus Holtzman) com 25 dias de idade, peso corporal médio de 47,08 g, distribuídos em dois grupos experimentais: Grupo 1 irradiado e Grupo 2 - controle. Decorridos os períodos predeterminados de 3, 8, 13, 18, 28, 70 e 150 dias após a irradiação, procedeu-se tramitação laboratorial para análise histopatológica. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os ácinos serosas mostraram-se radiossensíveis, com acentuada desorganização e degeneração do parênquima nos periodos iniciais e atividade regenerativa predominante, ainda que fossem observados fenômenos reparativos de padrões anormais com atipias celulares e substituição fibrosa nos períodos finais. Os duetos estriados mostraram-se mais estáveis, caracterizando-se como mais radiorresistentes.


Glândulas salivares, efeitos de radiação, glândula parótida, radiação ionizante


The objective of this work is to verify by means of morphologic technique the effects of radiation X on the structure of the parotid glands of young rats. Seventy male rats, twenty five days old rats (Rattus norvegicus, albinus Holtzman), with a medium body weight of 47,08 g, were distributed in two experimental groups: Group 1 - irradiated, Group 2 - control. Using a convencional X ray apparatus (Eldorado Co 60) the region of the parotid glands was irradiated with a dose of 300 rads, this procedure was repeated every 48 hours up to an exposition of 1,200 rads. The Group 2, as the contral graup, received a treatment similar to Graup 1, with the exception of radiation. After predetermined periods of 3, 8, 13, 18, 28, 70 and 150 days, after irradiation, the animals belonging to both graups were sacrificed and the parotid glands removed and fixed in FMA for two hours and included in parafin. The sections were stained by Hematoxylin/Eosin and Mallory's Thricramic. The results obtained suggest that seraus acini showed to be radium sensitive even using low and fractionated doses; in the periods closer to the radiation, the glandular structure desorganization and degeneration was noted. ln the last periods of the experience, the paratid glands showed a predominance of the regenerative activity although it was also observed the reparative phenomena of the anormal models with atypical cells and a fibrase substitution. The striated ducts, because they were radium resistant, showed to be more stable with it in the period of 150 days after irradiation.


Salivary glands, radiation effects, paratid gland, ionizing radiation


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