Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Influência da adaptação do cone de guta-percha principal na extrusão do material obturador e na qualidade do selamento marginal obtido após a obturação de canal

Influence of the master cone fitting on the overfilling and apical leakage, after root canal filling

Murata, S.S.; Holland, R.

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Foram utilizados neste trabalho 110 dentes humanos unirradiculares extraídos, os quais foram divididos em onze grupos de 10 dentes, conforme o procedimento a que foram submetidos. Assim, o cone principal foi selecionado solto, justo ou "travado" junto à porção apical, tendo também sido submetido a diferentes procedimentos de moldagem com o auxílio do clorofórmio ou eucaliptol. Dois grupos controles, um positivo e outro negativo, também foram analisados. Vinte e quatro horas após a obturação dos canais radiculares, os dentes foram imersos em azul de metileno a 2%, em ambiente com vácuo. Foram avaliadas as infiltrações marginais e o número de casos de sobreobturações. A análise estatística revelou significativo aumento da infiltração marginal quando a ponta do cone principal era mergulhada no clorofórmio ou eucaliptol no momento da obturação. Os demais grupos experimentais não mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes. Contudo, o grupo experimental no qual o cone principal estava "solto" no canal foi o que exibiu maior número de sobreobturações e uma tendência para maior infiltração marginal.


Adaptação do cone principal, infiltração marginal, sobreobturação


The subject of this work was to fit the master cone at the apical region of the root canal by different ways, in order to observe leakage and incident of overfilling. One hundred and ten extracted human teeth had their crowns sectioned and the root canals instrumented until the Kerr file nº 80. The canals were then prepared by the step-back technique until the file nº 80. The roots were protected externally with a layer of Araldite and divided in eleven Groups of 10 teeth according to the following procedures: Goup I - master cone one number smaller than number 40 file. Group II - master cone of the same number of the last me employed (nº 40). Group III - master cone exhibiting the so called tung-back. Group N - the tip of the master cone is softened by dipping in chloroform for 1 second and the cone tamped in the canal 1 time. Group V - the cone is softened and tamped in the canal 3 times. Group VI - the same as in the Group V but the tip of the cone is again softened in the moment of root canal filling. The Groups VII, VIII and IX were similar to Groups N, Vand VI, but softening the cone in eucalyptol for 5 seconds every time. The Groups X and XI were the positive and negative control groups. The canals were filled by the lateral condensation technique, by using a zinc oxideeugenol cement, and the teeth placed into a solution of 2% of methylene blue dye, 24 hours after the filling, into a flask attached to a vacuum pump. Twelve hours later the roots were splited longitudinally and the extent of the dye penetration was measured. The obtained data were statistically analysed. The results reveled the following conlusions: 1 - Leakage'was significantly higher in the Groups VI and IX. 2- There were no significant differences on the results obtained in the Groups I, II, III, IV, V, VII, and VIII. 3 - The Group I was the one that exhibited the greater number of cases with overfilliings.


Master cone fitting, leakage, overfilling


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