Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
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Root canal treatment of teeth with periapical lesions. Influence of dressing with Buckley's formocresol or camphorated paramonochlorophenol in the healing process after root canal filling

Souza, V.; Holland, R.

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Dentes de cães com lesões periapicais, obtidas experimentalmente, tiveram seus canais preparados biomecanicamente, após o que, receberam como curativo de demora o paramonoclorofenol canforado ou o tricresol formalina, aplicados na câmara pulpar ou canal radicular. Decorridos 7 dias, os canais foram obturados e os animais sacrificados 6 meses após o tratamento. As peças obtidas foram preparadas para análise histológica, a qual revelou melhores resultados com o emprego do tricresol formalina, tendo sido indiferente seu emprego na câmara pulpar ou canal radicular.


Lesão periapical, tricresol formalina, paramonoclorofenol canforado, curativo de demora


Dog's teeth with periapical lesions were dressed with Buckley's formocresol or camphorated paramonochlorophenol applyed into the pulp chamber or into the root canal for 7 days. The root canals were then filled with zinc oxide-eugenol cement and gutta percha points. Six months later the animals were killed and the specimens prepared for histological analysis. The obtained resuls showed us that: 01 - The employment of Buckley's formocresol as a dressing and the posterior filling of the root carial determine 66% of healing when the dressing was applyed into the pulp chamber and 54% when it was put into the root canal. 02 - The employment of camphorated paramonochlorofenol as a dressing and the subsequent filling of the root canal determine 0,0% of healing when the medicine was applyed into the pulp chamber and 12% when the medicine was applyed into the root canal. 03 - The experimental groups with Buckley's formocresol as a dressing exhibited better results than the one obtained in the experimental groups with camphorated paramonochlorophenol.


Camphorated paramonochlorophenol, Buckley's formocresol, periapical lesion, dressing


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