Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Vias de drenagem linfática e linfonodos da gengiva mandibular da região incisiva lingual humana de fetos, recém nascidos e crianças

Lymphatic drainage ways and gum mandible lymphatic node human incisive lingual region of the faetus, new-borns and children

Landucci, C.; Ramalho, L.R.T.

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Foram utilizadas 18 cabeças: 10 masculinas e 8 femininas; 3 de fetos, 5 de recém-nascidos e 10 de crianças até 1 ano e meio de idade; 10 brancos e 8 negros. Foi injetada massa de Gerota em 15 lados direitos e 17 esquerdos, totalizando 32 lados. Alguns resultados obtidos ainda não foram mencionados na literatura especializada.


Sistema linfático - gengiva mandibular, sistema linfático - boca, linfonodos


ln this research we used 18 heads (32 sides) of faetuses, new-borns and children till one and half years age. The results that we obyed in 32 sides injected demonstrated that the drainage of this region became by collectors from a medial pedicle of vessels which one has it beginning by two or of most four collectors. The lingual surfacé drainage of incisive region as still 6 times (18.7 ± 6.8) (4 cases) in 32 heads, collectors that originate medially to mandible, at the same point of the one that adressed to pre-gland lymphatic node set about the side of genio-hyoideo muscle fill the hyoid bane go to the jugular chain at the profound cervical lymphatic-node. On two cases the cervical lymphatic-node was the unique to get the collector of medial pedicle, white on others, two cases some went to east and others to pre-gland lymphatic-node. We don't have found on literature any reference.


Lymphatics of the gum, lymph nodes, lymphatic system


1. CONFORD, A. & BOWDEN, H. D. D. - Lymphatics of the dental region. Dent. gaz., 12: 502-4, 1946.

2. LANDUCCI, C. - Contribuição para o estudo das vias de drenagem linfática da gengiva mandibular humana de fetos, recém-nascidos e crianças. Rev. Fac. Farm. Odont. Araraquara, 5: 317-59, 1971.

3. ROUVIERE, H.-Anatomie des lymphatiques de fhomme. Paris, Masson, 1932. p. 31-7.

4. SASSIER, P. - Les lymphatiques des gengives. Ann. Anat. Pathol., 4: 212-5, 1927.

5. SCHWEITZER, G. - Uber die lymphgefasse des zannfIeisches und des zahne bien menschen und bei saügetieren. Arch. mikrosk. Anat. (Bonn): 807-908, 1907.
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