Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

A sobrevida de ratos com tumor de walker

Survival in rats with Tumor of Walker

Villas-Bôas, F.I.P.; Monico, M.H.; Massakotakehara, L.; Mauro, A.C.C.

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Quarenta e quatro ratos foram injetados com uma suspensão de células neoplásicas por via intramuscular na coxa e observou-se o crescimento neoplásico até a morte dos animais, sem qualquer tipo de tratamento ou dieta específica. Praticou-se necrópsia em todo o lote para exames histopatológicos. Os resultados obtidos foram calculados pela "mediana". O índice de "pega" obtido foi de 95,65% e sobrevida média de 19 dias.


Tumor de Walker, sobrevida


Forty-four rats were injected with an intramuscular neoplasic cell suspension in the right thigh and a neoplasic growth was observed until death of the animal without any kind of treatment or specific diet. Necropsy was performed in the whole lot for histopathological examinations. The results obtained were caleulated by "average". The rate of "catch" obtained was 95.65% and the average of surviving was 19 days.


Tumor of Walker, survival


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