Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
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Disfunções da articulação temporomandibular: estudo da prevalência dos sinais e sintomas em alunos da faculdade de odontologia do campus de São José dos Campos - UNESP

Temporomandibular joint disturbances: signals and symptoms prevalence study in students of the Dental School of São José dos Campos

Lima, J.R.S.

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Nesta pesquisa foi estudada a prevalência dos sinais e sintomas das disfunções da articulação temporomandibular, em uma amostra de 152 pacientes, brasileiros, leucodermas, na faixa etária entre 17 e 30 anos, sendo 97 do sexo feminino e 55 do masculino. Estudou-se sintomas craniofaciais, otológicos, labirínticos, articulares, musculares, sons articulares, abertura bucal, desvios da linha mediana, dimensão vertical, oclusão, dentes ausentes, contatos prematuros e briquismo. Considerou-se os aparelhos protéticos e seu funcionamento. Os valores obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente.


Articulação temporomandibular, distúrbios da articulação temporomandibular, fisiopatologia da disfunção da articulação temporomandibular


The author studied the prevalence of the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disturbances. 152 patients, aged between 17 and 30 years, 97 females and 55 males were observed. It was checked the craniofacial, otological, labyrinthic, articular and muscular symptoms and articular sounds, buccal opening, midline deviations, vertical dimension in occlusion and in rest, occlusion, missing teeth, premature contacts and the occurrence of bruxism. Prosthetic appliances and their functioning were also examined. The data obtained were statistically analysed and the conclusions were as follows: There is a great variation in the prevalence of signs and symptoms: craniofacial and ear ringing for the female, articular and "plugged" ear for the male sex. The greatest prevalence of articular symptoms was observed during the lateral movements of the mandible. The sounds were predominantly of the "clicking" type and occurred mainly associated with the closing movements.


Temporomandibular joint, temporomandibular joint disturbance, temporomandibular joint disfunction, pathophysiology


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