Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Contribuição ao estudo da morfologia facial, de portadores de fissura transforame incisivo unilateral, através da cefalometria radiográfica, em norma frontal

Contribution to facial morphology study of the unilateral cleft lip and palate patients, by cephalometric radiographs, in frontal norm

Lima, J.R.S.

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Nesta pesquisa utilizamos a cefalometria radiográfica, em norma frontal, para estudar algumas dimensões lineares da face, em uma amostra de 100 brasileiros, leucodermas, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 20 anos, distribuídos em 2 grupos: grupo controle e de portadores de fissura transforame incisivo unilateral. De cada paciente foi obtida uma telerradiografia, em norma frontal e, em cada uma delas, foram mensuradas algumas grandezas cefalométricas, através de computador. Os valores obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente, através da análise quantitativa e qualitativa.


Fissura transforame incisivo unilateral, análise cefalométrica, craniometria, antropologia


ln this research a study by cephalometric radiography, in frontal norm, was used to measure the magnitude of some linear dimensions of the face, in a sample of a 100 Brazilian, caucasian people. They were from both sexes, with average age of 20 years and were distributed into two groups: contral group and unilateral cleft lip and palate group. Cephalometric radiography in frontal norm was obtained of each patient. ln each teleradiography some parameters were measured by using a computer. After statistic analysis of the values obtained, we may concluded that: 1 - The mean of total cephalometric dimensions, in both groups, are difterent according to sex. The male width mean being larger than the female's, except for nasal width in a cleft lip and palate group, when the male's is smaller; 2 - The maxillary width of the cleft lip and palate male patients showed a smaller value than the normal ones, while for the female cleft and palate patients the opposite is true; 3 -ln all contral group patients it was verified a small degree of facial asymmetry. However, the unilateral cleft lip and palate patients showed a higher degree of asymmetry; 4 - A greater number of patients, of both groups showed a larger left side; 5 - ln the studied patients, the unilateral cleft lip and palate, were localized with higher frequency in the left side of the face; 6 - A significant relation between the side of the cleft lip and palate and the larger partial facial dimensions, in both sexes, could not be stablished.


Unilateral cleft lip and palate, cephalometric analysis, craniometry, anthropology


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