Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Influência da nor-adrenalina contida nos anestésicos odontológicos sobre a pressão arterial de pacientes normotensos. Estudo clínico

Influence of the nor-epinephrine present in odontological anesthetics in the blood pressure of normotensive patients. Clinical study

Tucci, C.J.; Sposto, M.R.; Mendes, A.J.D.

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Os autores mostram neste experimento que ao lado do trabalho técnico, o dentista não deve desprezar os conhecimentos de ordem sistêmica, que, em certas ocasiões, assumem importante papel na interpretação e definição dos fenômenos que possam aparecer durante os procedimentos odontológicos.


Anestesia local, nor-adrenalina, pressão arterial


The authors studied clinical changes in 20 patients with normal blood pressure. After injection of an anesthetic solution with nor-epinephrine in two different volumes of 1.8 ml and 7.2 ml respectively. There were no alterations in the arterial blood pressure of the patients while they were in the waiting room or in the operating room. An injection of 1.8 ml or 7.2 ml of anesthetic solution altered the arterial blood pressure. The application of four infiltrated injections (7.2 ml), due to the actual act of injection, caused a liberation of endogenous adrenaline which consequently raised the blood pressure.


Local anesthesia, nor-epinephrine, blood pressure


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