Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Influência de anestésicos no processo de reparo alveolar após anestesia terminal infiltrativa e irrigação alveolar. Estudo histológico em ratos

Influence of some anesthetics on the dental extraction wound healing. Histological study in rats

Saad Neto, M.; Callestini, E.A.; Okamoto, T.; Kuroki, M.

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Foi analisada a influência de alguns anestésicos no processo de reparo alveolar após anestesia terminal infiltrativa no palato e na região vestibular (fórnix do vestíbulo), acrescido da irrigação intra-alveolar. Concluem que a irrigação intra-alveolar com soluções anestésicas, com e sem vasoconstrictor, acrescida de anestesias terminais infiltrativas, altera a cronologia do reparo alveolar de forma mais acentuada do que a simples irrigação abundante do alvéolo. Essa alteração é agravada quando o anestésico contém vasoconstrictor. Os autores são de opinião que o uso da solução anestésica nestas condições é um fator predisponente e não causal da alveolite.


Extração dental, reparo alveolar, anestesia local, alveolite


The aim of this paper was to analyse the wound healing of dental extraction in rats following intra-alveolar irrigation and terminal infiltrative anesthetics of palate and buccal region with some commercial dental anesthetic. Two groups of 190 male albino rats each were utilized; their right upper incisors were extracted and intra-alveolar irrigation with 1.4 ml of commercial dental anesthetics was employed in one group of rats. Intra-alveolar irrigation (1.4 ml) plus terminal infiltrative anesthetic for palate (0.04 ml) and vestibule fornix (0.12 ml) after postoperative periods of 1, 3, 6, 9, 15, 21, and 24 days. The sections of the obtained pieces were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for morphological study. According to the results obtained in the present papel it was possible to conclude that the chronological evolution of the dental extraction wound healing is delayed in presence of terminal infiltrative anesthesia and intra alveolar irrigation with the same anesthetics. These changes were aggravated with the useof anesthetic with vasoconstrictor. The anesthetic solution seems to be a predisponent factor and not a causative factor to provoke dry socket.


Tooth extraction, wound healing, local anesthesia, dry socket


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