Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Resposta pulpar a longo prazo a restaurações com cimento de silicato boston estudo histológico em dentes de cães

Long term pulp reaction to silicate cemcnt Boston. Histological study on teeth of dogs

Sundfeld, R.H.; Russo, M.; Takayama, S.; Komatsu, J.; Holland Júnior, C.; Quintella, L.P.A.S.; Castro, M.A.M.

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Os autores estudaram o comportamento da polpa dental de cães frente a restaurações com cimento de silicato. Após 400 dias da realização dessas restaurações, o exame histológico demonstrou ser esse cimento um irritante pulpar.


Cimento de silicato, alterações pulpares


On the buccal surface of 35 permanent teeth of dogs, deep Class V cavities were prepared with diamond points at high speed with air-waler spray. Eigth teeth were lined with paraffin wax and filled with silver amolgam to be used as control. The remmant twenty-seven cavities were filled with silicate cement Boston. Four thousand days later, the teeth were extracted and prepared for histological analysis. The average thickness of the remmant dentine varied between 24 and 544 micromelers. The control teeth presented normal morphological picture. Sixteen out of 27 teeth had pulp tissue free from inflammatory reaction; the pulps of the remaining 11 specimens exhibited a little quantify of chronic inflammatory cells and only under the cavity floors. Thus, according to the methodology employed. the use of a proper lining, before filling with the silicate cement Boston is recomended.


Silicate cemenr, pulp reactions


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