Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
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Influência da vitamina d3, no processo de reparo em ferida de extração dental. Estudo clínico e histológico em ratos

The influence of vitamin D3 in the healing of extraction wound. Clinical and histological study in rats

Barreto, E.M.G.; Pinto, R.S.; Okamoto, T.

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Cortes histológicos de alvéolos, após exodontia em ratos submetidos a injeções intraperitoniais de vitamina D3 e de vitamina A e D3 , mostraram alterações no padrão normal do processo de reparo em feridas de extração dental. Assim, os ammais que receberam vitaminas A e D3 exibiram osteoclasia em trabécula ósseas neoformadas ao nível do terço apical. Além disso apresentaram neoformação óssea mais precoce quando comparado aos demais grupos.


Reparo alveolar, vitaminas A e D3 no reparo alveolar


Influence of vitamin D3 on wound healing after tooth extraction clinical and histological study in rats. It was studied the action of vitamin D3 and of vitamins A and D3 on dental extraction wound healing. Seventy-two male albino rats weighing 250-260g, were used. These animals were divided into three groups of 24. ln group I the rats received 0,6ml of peanut oil per kilogram of body weigth. ln group II the animaIs received 0,6ml of peanut oil containing 1,2mg of vitamin D3 and 440 UI of vitamin A per kilogram of body weigth. Vitamins and vehicle were administered intraperitoneally during 2 days before the surgeries and during the whole experimental period daily. Four animals from each group wae sacrificed after postoperative periods of 3, 6, 9, 15, 18, and 21 days. The sections of the obtained pieces were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for morphologic study. It was possible to conclude that: 1) ln group III, on the 9th and 15th days, the newly formed osseous trabeculae was partially resorbed at the apical third; 2) ln all the animals (rom groups I and III the dental sockets were filled by thick and well defjned osseous trabeculae on the 21st post-operative day; 3) ln group III, on 18th and 21st postoperative days, only at revel of the middle and cervical thirds, the dental sockets were filled by thick and well defined osseous trabeculae.


Reparo alveolar, vitaminas A e D3 no reparo alveolar


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