Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Original Article

Estudo histológico do comportamento do tecido pulpar de cães a restaurações com resina composta

Pulp reaction to composite material fillings

Russo, M.; Holland Júnior, C.; Takayama, S.; Sasaki, T.; Komatsu, J.; Quintella, L.P.A.S.

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Estudou-se o comportamento do tecido pulpar de dentes de cães quando cavidades de classe V eram restauradas com dois sistemas de resinas compostas (Adaptic e Concise). Os dentes foram extraídos com 120 dias de pós-operatório e os resultados avaliados histologicamente. Observou-se que em 30% dos espécimes o tecido pulpar apresentava-se normal, enquanto que no restante ocorreu apenas a presença de pequeno número de células inflamatórias do tipo crônico, localizadas sob os preparos cavitários.


Resina composta, resposta pulpar


After polishing and application of a conditioning acid solution on the buccal surface of 75 permanent teeth of dogs, deep Class V cavities were prepared with diamond points at high speed with air-water spray. Fifteen teeth were linned with paraffin wax and filled with silver amalgam to be used as control. Thirty teeth were filled with Adaptic system and the remnant thirty teeth with Concise system, according to the manufacturers instructions. One hundred and twenty days latter the teeth were extracted and prepared for histological analysis. The average thickness of the remnant dentine varied between 24 and 592 micrometers. The control teeth presented normal morphological picture. Pulp reactions to both composite systems were similar. Nineteen out from the 60 teeth had pulp tissue free from inflammatory reaction; the pulps of remaining 41 specimens exhibited a mild chronic inflammatory reaction only under the cavity floors. Thus, the use of a proper linig before filling with both tested materials is recomended


Resina composta, resposta pulpar


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