Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
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Processo de reparo em feridas de extração dental em ratos submetidos à ação da tirocalcitonina. Estudo histológico

Histological study of dental socket healing in rats under tyrocalcitonin action

Barroso, J.S.; Pinto, R.S.; Okamoto, T.

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Cortes histológicos de alvéolos após exodontia em ratos submetidos a injeções subcutâneas de 1MRC de tirocalcitonina salmônica sintética por quilo de peso corporal mostrou ausência da reabsorção da cirsta ou da cortical óssea alveolar. Além disso a neoformação óssea ocorreu simultaneamente em três terços alevolares, muito embora a reparação total tenha sido verificada em período semelhante ao grupo controle.


Reparação alveolar, tirocalcitonina


It was studied the tyrocalcitonine tactioll on dental extration wound healing. Forty-eight male albino rats weighing 120-178 g were used. These animals were divided into two groups of 24. ln one group the rats received daily subcutaneous injections of 1 ml of gelatin after upper right incisors extractions. ln the other group, the animals received subcutaneous injections of 1 MRS of sinthetic salmonic tyrocalcitonin by kilogram of weight dissolved 1 ml of gelatin 1%. The animals were sacrified in groups of four after postoperative periods of 1, 3, 6, 9, 15 and 21 days. The sections of the obtained pieces were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for morphological study. According to the results in the group treated with tyrocalcitonin it was possible to conclude that: 1) the alveolar crest and the cortical bone did not undergo resorption; 2) it was observed osseous newformation simultaneously in the three alveolar thirds; 3) osseous mineralization occurred in all sockets extension between the 15th through the 21st postoperative days, when it was completed, for treated or control animals.


Reparação alveolar, tirocalcitonina


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